How do You Become a Pediatric Nurse ?

Pediatric nurses are health care professionals who provide services to children and youngsters under the age of 18. They typically work closely with physicians, parents, and other nurses or care providers to ensure that their young patients receive the best available care.

How do You Become a Pediatric Nurse?

Generally speaking, they are licensed registered nurses, also known as RNs. To become an RN, you have to complete an accredited nursing program. These programs are generally housed in nursing schools and hospitals.

After receiving a nursing degree, you are required to take the NCLEX-RN exam to become a licensed registered nurse. Then you specialize in pediatrics by working in a facility that provides services to young people seeking pediatric care.

Greater specialization in certain areas or diseases is also gained through additional coursework or placement in particular settings. Additionally, you can achieve more specialized and advanced areas of employment, allowing you to become a pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) or a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) in pediatrics.

Some hospitals and other facilities may require specialized additional training. For example, an emergency facility might require coursework in the American Heart Association's pediatric advanced life support program.

The Pediatric Nursing Certification Board provides certification via exams in multiple specialties of nursing applicable to young patients.
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