Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions for Children with Diarrhea

Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions for Children with Diarrhea

1. Fluid And Electrolyte Imbalances related to fluid loss secondary to diarrhea.

Objectives: after nursing action for 3 x 24 hours, fluid and electrolyte balance is maintained to the fullest.

Expected outcomes:

- Vital signs are within normal limits
- Turgor elastic, mucous membranes moist lips, the eyes do not cowong, the crown is not concave.
- Consistency of bowel movements soft, frequency 1 time per day

Interventions and Rational :

1) Monitor signs and symptoms of fluid and electrolyte
R / decrease the volume of fluid circulation causing mucosal dryness and urinary concentration. Early detection allows immediate fluid replacement therapy to correct the deficit

2) Monitor intake and output
R / Dehydration can increase the glomerular filtration rate was adequate to make the output to remove the waste.

3) Measure weight every day
R / Detecting loss of fluid, decrease of 1 kg of body weight equal to 1 liter of fluid loss

4) Encourage the family to drink lots of 2-3 liters / day
R / Replacing the lost fluids and electrolytes orally

2. Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements related to diarrhea or excessive output and intake of less.

Objectives: after the action at home on hospital care for nutritional needs are met

Expected Outcomes:
- Increased appetite
- Increased body weight, or normal according to age

Interventions and Rational:

1) Discuss and explain about the restriction diet (high fiber foods, fatty foods and water is too hot or cold)
R / high fiber, fat, water is too hot / cold can stimulate irritate the stomach and intestinal tract.

2) Create a clean environment, away from the smell that odor or waste, serve food in warm
R / situation a comfortable, relaxed will stimulate the appetite.

3) Give the patient time to rest - sleep and reduce the excessive activity
R / Reduce excessive energy consumption

4) Monitor intake and output in 24 hours
R / Knowing the amount of output can plan the amount of food

3. Risk for Imbalanced Body Temperature related to the process of infection secondary to diarrhea.

Objectives: After making maintenance actions performed for 3 x 24 hours, there was no increase in body temperature

Expected outcomes:

- Body temperature within normal limits (36 to 37.5 C)
- There is no sign of infection (rubur, dolor, color, tumors, fungtio leasa)

Interventions and Rational:

1) Monitor the body temperature every 2 hours
R / Early detection of abnormal changes in body function (an infection)

2) Give a warm compress
R / stimulates the central thermostat to lower the body's heat production

3) Collaboration of antipirektik
R / Stimulate the central thermostat in the brain.

4. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to increased frequency of diarrhea.

Objectives: after nursing actions while in hospital, skin integrity is not compromised

Expected outcomes:
- No irritation: redness, abrasions, cleanliness maintained
- Families are able demonstrate perianal care properly

Interventions and Rational:

1) Discuss and explain the importance of maintaining a bed
R / hygiene prevents germs breeding

2) Demonstrate and involve the family in caring for perianal (if wet clothing and replace the bottom and base)

R / Prevent the occurrence of skin irritation is not expected, because of humidity and acidity of the stool

3) Adjust bed or seated position with an interval of 2-3 hours

R / Smooth vascularization, reducing the emphasis of the old so that does not happen ischemia and irritation.

5. Risk for impaired growth and development related to body weight decreased continuously.

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