Communication in Accordance with the Growth and Development

1. Communication in infants

Communication in infants can generally be done is through the baby's movements and using non-verbal communication with the touch technique, such as stroking, holding, lap, fondling, touching, kissing, and others. The crying is a form of communication that weighs indicate hunger, thirst, discomfort, pain and crying babies learning is an effective way to attract attention.

2. Communication in preschool

Treasury is not complete and just being egocentric. Children's communication focuses only on himself. The goal of communication at this stage is to train the use of sensory skills, cognitive skills training, learning and development as a form of self-concept.

The development of communication at this age can be demonstrated with the development of children's language ability children are able to understand approximately ten words, in the second year already capable of 200-300 words and still sounding words replications. Communication at that age are very egocentric nature, his curiosity is very high, high initiative, began to increase language skills, any communication must be centered on him, afraid of ignorance and keep in mind that at this age children are still not fluent in speaking (Behrman, 1996) .

Nonverbally we always encourage acceptance and approval if necessary, do not touch a child without the approval of the child, shaking hands with children is a way to eliminate anxiety, drawing, writing or storytelling in exploring feelings and thoughts at the time of the communication kid.

3. Communication at school age

Communication on the future of natural dikembangkand forms of verbal and nonverbal, in an effort to develop independent learning activities, responsibilities and abstract concepts.

4. Communication in adolescence

At this time the child has begun to understand the philosophy of life that can be invited to communicate well.
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