Important Questions and Answers About Diarrhea


As a man would not want to if he was sick. Moreover diarrheal disease. Of course, all parents do not want their children to diarrhea. However, children who never diarrhea ? Each of the children had diarrhea, diarrhea that both light and heavy. How children can get away from the disease, whereas diarrhea causes dehydration which causes exhaustion of body fluids.

Of course, knowledge about diarrhea and how to overcome already known by the mother whose son survived the attack of diarrhea.

In general, people associate diarrhea with bacterial contamination memorable slob. Though the causes of diarrheal disease are manifold such as bacterial or viral infections, eat incompatibility, bacterial contamination, spoiled food, food contamination by hazardous substances, to sensitivity to carbohydrates or fats or proteins.

Question ?
  1. What is diarrhea ?
  2. What are the causes of diarrhea ?
  3. What are the types of diarrhea ?
  4. What is acute diarrhea ?
  5. What are the causes of acute diarrhea ?
  6. How characteristics ( signs ) when a person develops diarrhea ?

Answer ?

1. Diarrhea is common in children, especially those aged between six months and two years. Also common in infants younger than six months who drink cow's milk / baby food formulas. Infants who consumed only breast milk generally has a stool softener, it is not diarrhea.

2. Causes of Diarrhea

Diarrhea caused by infection factor, malabsorption (impaired absorption of nutrients), food, and psychological factors.

  • Infections of the gastrointestinal tract is a major cause of diarrhea in children. The types of infections is generally attacks, such as bacterial infection bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae), bacilli infections (dysentery), enterovirus and adenovirus infection, infection by parasitic worms (ascaris), fungal infection (candidiasis), due to infection of other organs (such as inflammation of the tonsils, bronchitis, and sore throat), food poisoning.


  • Malabsorption is divided into two types, namely ; carbohydrate malabsorption factors and fat malabsorption factor. Malabsorption factors in infants are sensitive to lactoglobulis in formula cause diarrhea. Symptoms include severe diarrhea, very sour smelling stools, stomach area pain. If frequent diarrhea, the baby's growth will be disrupted.

  • Foods that cause diarrhea are contaminated food, stale, toxic, too much fat, raw (vegetables), and less mature.

  • Fear, anxiety, and tension, if it occurs in children can lead to chronic diarrhea.

3. Types of Diarrhea

The types of diarrhea can be divided into two: acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea.

Acute diarrhea. Acute diarrhea is diarrhea that occur suddenly and lasts a short in a couple of hours until 7/14 days. The cause is disruption of microorganisms or bacteria that enter the small intestine after passing through various hurdles stomach acid, microorganisms are growing rapidly in the small intestine, toxins released by bacteria, intestinal fluid overload due to poison.

Chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea is diarrhea that lasts more than 3 weeks (for adults, infants and children deadline 2 weeks). Factors that cause chronic diarrhea is the disorder are as follows bacteria / fungi / parasites, malabsorption of calories, fat malabsorption.

Diarrhea Symptoms

The symptoms that appear when exposed to diarrheal diseases such as infants or children become whiny and agitated because of high body temperature, watery stool in infants, slimy or bloody, greenish stool color mixes with bile, anal abrasions, malnutrition because food intake is less, before or after vomiting diarrhea, drop in blood sugar levels, dehydration (lack of fluids).
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