Imbalance Nutrition Less than Body Requirements - Nursing Diagnosis for Pneumonia NIC NOC

Nursing Diagnosis for Pneumonia : Imbalance nutrition less than body requirements related to disability income, biological factors: shortness of breath


NOC : nutritional status, after being given an explanation and treatment of patient's nutritional needs are met,

  • Adequate nutrient intake
  • The patient was able to spend a diet that served
  • No signs of malnutrition
  • Laboratorim value, total protein, albumin, globulin, Hemoglobion not less than 10 g%
  • Mucous membranes and conjunctiva was not pale


NIC: Eating disorder management

  • Determine the daily calorie needs
  • Teach clients and families about the importance of nutrient
  • Monitoring vital signs and laboratory values
  • Monitor intake and output
  • Maintain patent parenteral nutrition
  • Consider enteral nutrition
  • Monitor the GI Complications

NIC: Nutritional Therapy

  • Monitor the input of food / beverage and appropriate daily calorie count
  • Collaboration nutritionist
  • Make sure the diet can be high in calories and high in protein
  • Provide oral care
  • Monitor results labioratoriun protein, albumin, globulin, hemoglobin
  • Keep objects that are not bad to look like urinals, drainage boxes, dressing and bedpans
  • Serve warm with interesting variations
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